Mushrooms Greeting Card


This captivating print features a trio of Amanita muscaria mushrooms. The original gouache painting by Donna Lawson has been turned into a blank greeting card - perfect for any occasion.


  • Envelope (asst. colors)

  • Clear Seal

Please note: Any excess shipping charges will be refunded upon shipment for lightweight items like stickers and greeting cards.

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This captivating print features a trio of Amanita muscaria mushrooms. The original gouache painting by Donna Lawson has been turned into a blank greeting card - perfect for any occasion.


  • Envelope (asst. colors)

  • Clear Seal

Please note: Any excess shipping charges will be refunded upon shipment for lightweight items like stickers and greeting cards.

This captivating print features a trio of Amanita muscaria mushrooms. The original gouache painting by Donna Lawson has been turned into a blank greeting card - perfect for any occasion.


  • Envelope (asst. colors)

  • Clear Seal

Please note: Any excess shipping charges will be refunded upon shipment for lightweight items like stickers and greeting cards.

Stuffed Studio Gift Card
from $15.00
Mushroom Art Print
from $15.00
California Poppies Art Print
from $20.00
California Poppies Greeting Card